Friday 17 June 2016

Dairy Post 5

In the last couple of weeks we have been doing lots of new things a agamographs, netball, SDL-Self Directed Learning, Terrific Tuesday and last but not least Agamographs.

Terrific Tuesday was when we chose a activity from a bunch of different ones and we chose what we wanted the most and what we wanted the least, I chose board games as my first choice and I got it! The First activity we did was a game called sequence which we played for the first 2 weeks, on the third week we played monopoly which was really fun because some people was really poor from buying too much stuff that they couldn't afford anything else so when a person landed on one of the best squares and they couldn't afford it. I just paied for it instead so they could have the building and I also didn't take the money back and just let them keep it. I missed week 4 because I was a netball field day which was really fun and for the rest of the weeks I played twister with some other people (friends) which was really funny.

Agamographs was when we made two pictures that was the opposite of the other one (except Quinn) who had a plus sign meaning combining to things and he made a Narwhal! He did unicorn plus Dolphin which made a Narwhal, anyway in the end both pictures had something similar or the same. If you looked at it from the right it would look like a picture, for example cookies and if you looked on the other side you might see a 800g bag of flour. I drew both the flour and cookies was to make my one. It was really fun because some of the art was funny, wierd and just plain original!  People thought mine was funny so I was pleased with that.

I think week nine or week eight is the last day of terrific Tuesday which is sad. So anyway it's almost school holidays at least, maybe something fun will happen ^_^ .

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